There Is No Classic Status Meeting in Scrum

Are you surprised? Let's take a look at particular scrum meetings...
Daily Scrum (Standup Meeting)
Everybody knows this guy, right? That's the easiest one where the ScrumMaster asks people one by one what they did yesterday and what they're going to do today. Perhaps because he wants to inspect their work... What if I told you that this is an agile anti-pattern? 
The real purpose of the daily scrum is to take a short break and make sure that we're still moving toward the sprint goal and we still believe that we can deliver the sprint goal before the sprint ends. Thus we're not interested in how are people spending their time. Instead we focus on what has been completed and how we're going to collaborate in order to get done what needs to be done. 
Sprint Review
The next is sprint review meeting where the anti-pattern is to present which particular user story has been finished and which has not. Some teams brought this status to perfection and they had slides and charts and tried to evaluate success of the sprint. I had this experience personally. 
But the purpose of sprint review is to demo the Potential Shippable Product Increment - which is what the team has finished - to the customers/stakeholders. The feedback is then an important input to the backlog refinement and helps to deliver successful product. 
Sprint Retrospective
The last one is sprint retrospective where the anti-pattern is to check action items form the last retrospective and to evaluate how they were implemented and how they worked for particular problem. 
But the retrospective is supposed to be a creative workshop where the team thinks about what they want to change, what is fine and what has to be improved. To make this working the team have to be able to take a look at things from outside. If you begin with status the outer image is gone and you will find yourself just repeating what left from the past. If you feel that things are not moving forward it will be said on the next retrospective for sure even without repeating old action items.
Freely translated from Zuzi's blog 12/23/16


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