Three Levels of ScrumMaster
Scrum defines three roles. ScrumMaster, Product Owner and Development team. While it is easy to understand the PO and dev team role, to understand the ScrumMaster role can be challenging even for ScrumMasters. ScrumMaters are building self-organized teams. But what ScrumMaster does when the team is already self-organized? Let's take a look at a concept of three levels of the ScrumMaster as it it described in the Great ScrumMater: #ScrumMaster Way book.
Level #1 - My Team
ScrumMaster at this level feels responsibility for his team. The goal is to build self-organized team and to let people embrace the agile mind set. It sounds easier than it is. As a beginner the ScrumMaster can be even struggling with questions like "How can I make myself useful everyday?". But the goal is a long-term activity and the SM should actually suppress the urge to do something, i.e. give advice, propose a solution etc... The first step for SM should be to make himself comfortable in observing. Then he will find himself busy with dev team's resistance, lack of responsibility, understanding and experience. ScrumMaster must spend lot of time by teaching, mentoring and maybe even removing impediments but one day these activities are not necessary anymore. Facilitating team discussions and meetings are not so necessary either. That's the time to move to the next level.
Level #2 - Relationships
You already have coherent self-confident scrum team with balanced relationship within the three scrum roles. The next step is to build and emphasize all relationship and connections that the team has. With customers, users, product people, managers and other teams. Scrum scaling might come to play. In other words we're building self-organized team with all the people that are working with us. The ability to explain scrum at dev team level is basic skill at this level. Flexible virtual teams emerge to take ownership for certain areas.This is stage of making improvements of our collaboration.
Level #3 - Entire System
At this level the ScrumMaster focuses on the entire system bringing the agile mindset and scrum values to the whole organization. The SM is working as an enterprise coach helping the organization to be successful while keeping eye on the previous levels. Shu-ha-ri applies even here: first you need to fix development team level, then improve relationships and then you can focus on the system level.